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Peltograph - MPS Treadmill
The complete solution to gait analysis.
The MPS platform is a 1, 1.5 or 2 metre long treadmill system
and 4.608, 9.216 and 18.432 sensors respectively.
The first part of the MPS platform can be used and
as a portable gait analysis unit like the EPS system.
It performs static and dynamic analysis as well as kinetic analysis
gait in a series of several steps.
Biomech MPS software
Variables assessed:
• The time of the total leg support phase
while walking
• The time of the double support phase
(simultaneous contact of both feet) when walking
• The time of the single leg support phase
while walking
• The time of the swing phase of the opposite leg (not given,
but coincides with the single support time)
•The total time of the walking cycle