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WIVA gait & motion analysis sensor
System characteristics :
The Motion Sensor with the Gait and Joint Mobility Analysis software can be used in any environment (small or large laboratories, indoors and outdoors) which has been difficult until now. Stereophotogrammetry systems require specialised motion laboratories, expensive equipment and long term adjustment and processing calculations. It is not just a system or equipment, but a new methodology for obtaining a quantitative assessment of human mobility in a non-invasive and easy way, without constraints. It consists of an inertial unit (motion sensor) and different software applications for different motion analysis. The unit consists of a 3D accelerometer, a 3D gyroscope and a 3D magnetometer.Each unit can be placed on a different part of the body or on external equipment (depending on the application) in order to record the motion in space. With the system it is possible to quickly assess the physical condition of a person as part of routine clinical practice. In addition, especially in the field of rehabilitation, this system allows changes in the individual's performance to be monitored, which means that the clinician is able to monitor the treatment and, if necessary, modify it. In this way, the system allows the objectification of the patient's improvements in terms of mobility and exercise.
Technical characteristics:
The motion sensor is made specifically to evaluate the movements of the person. In medical applications, it is necessary to evaluate certain objective measurements of the kinematic characteristics of different parts of the body, as well as the kinematic characteristics of the body as a whole in order to identify potential pre-problems or to assess the effectiveness of a treatment.
Σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, η Ανάλυση της Bάδισης με τον αισθητήρα κίνησης αποτελεί χρήσιμο εργαλείο για την ποσοτική εκτίμηση των αποτελεσμάτων κάποιας χειρουργικής επέμβασης, για την αξιολόγηση της κατάστασης του ασθενούς, καθώς και για την επιλογή της καλύτερης θεραπείας.
Το σύστημα είναι προσαρμοζόμενο και παρέχει και τα κατάλληλα γι’ αυτόν εξαρτήματα (ιμάντας στερέωσης κ.λπ.).
Software Capabilities
Diagnosis: detection of gait pathologies such as asymmetry in step length or duration, abnormal pelvic movements during gait, different acceleration between the two sides of the body, longer stance phase in the foot compared to the foot on the other side of the body.
Pathology monitoring: screening of pathological population, for example people with stroke, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease, amputees using external artificial limbs to assess the correct adjustment of the artificial limb.
Monitoring: checking the change in gait in older people to prevent falls.
Monitoring of treatment or therapy: information on patients' improvement after a rehabilitation programme or surgery (hip, knee or ankle replacement)
Useful tool for checking the effects on walking performance using different types of shoes or orthotic insoles.
Joint Mobility (joint mobility)
Active and passive measurement of joint range of motion (ROM)
Diagnosis: assessment of mobility, balance, walking ability in patients with motor neurone syndrome and elderly people at risk of falling.
Increase in TUG specificity taking into account performance in the single phases (change of posture, walking, shifting): allows the identification of the different strategy adopted by the patient to perform these motor processes.